Gaming Promotion Associates (Affiliates) – ΟDDSSAFARI I.K.E

Our Senior Associate Chara Toka and our Associate Anastasia Tourlaki have advised regarding the newly implemented legal framework in relation with ‘Gaming Promotion Associates (herein after ‘Affiliates’). Affiliates are those legal entities  who collaborate with online gambling licensees to promote specific gambling activities, by placing links in a prominent place on their website, to attract more players to the website of the advertised gambling license holder.

More precisely, the ‘Gaming Promotion Associates (Affiliate)’ legal framework is added as an Article (Article 45A) in the already existing ‘Law 4002/2011 On Gambling’ and it deals with the procedure for registration of the Affiliates in the Register of Partners. Furthermore, the procedure and the details of application of the Article 45 are regulated by the Decision No. 509/2020 of the Gaming Supervision and Control Committee (GSC Commission).

This newly implemented legal framework has as a target to organize and put in place the operation of the Affiliates which collaborate with the Online gaming Licensed companies, to attract new customers.

From now on and as legal obligation under the aforementioned, a ‘Register of Partners’ is created and the prospective Affiliates need to apply to the ‘GSC Commission’, follow the necessary procedures and meet the necessary criteria, in order to be accepted and hence included in the Register. Certification and suitability criteria are developed and those Affiliates who are non-compliant will be removed from the Register, a sign of the target for a complete enhancement and smooth operation of the industry.

Our firm is proud to announce that our Customer ODDSSAFARI I.K.E has been the first successful affiliate to be included in the list, having achieved the attainment of all criteria in place. Our client aims to promote the gaming industry and attract new customers through its website: